Our nature school has three small buildings that we’ve named Nature Classroom 1, Nature Classroom 2, and Nature Classroom 3. Our small class sizes of 12 children in each building with 2 Eco-Educators enhances learning and allows the educators to tailor learning more individually. Each classroom is designed to create an atmosphere that is developmentally appropriate that offers more one-to-one attention for the educators.
Our classes take place in woodlands in all types of weather so that children can develop a close connection with nature. During preschool class or summer camps you will see children exploring the woods, running with butterflies, building forts, climbing on logs, and enjoying the outdoors as much as possible. Time in the forest sparks joy, curiosity, cooperation and wonder! During our time in the exploring the outdoors any or all of the following activities are enjoyed:
Welcome parents to Kidz Go Eco! All registration documents for your child are located on our website under “Admissions” and then click on “Enrollment Packet.” The CHECKLIST below will guide parents so we can ensure we have all the necessary forms for your child’s safety!
+ Parents can drop off your child no earlier than 7:30am.
+ Complete and Sign Enrollment Packet.
+ Sign and Initial the bottom of each page of the parent handbook in the enrollment packet.
+ Parents need to list a Pediatric Dentist on your child’s registration form by their first day.
+ All food and environmental allergies need to be discussed prior to your child’s first day along with any life-saving medications such as Inhalers and Epi-pens need to be given to your child’s educator on their first day. All life-saving medications for your child need to be up to date and NOT expired. The Asthma and Allergy Action Plan in the Enrollment Packet needs to be signed and completed by your child’s pediatrician.
+ A copy of your child’s updated immunizations.
+ A photo ID of your child attached to registration form in enrollment packet.
+ Parents need to review our School Holidays and Closings listed on our website under “Resources.”
+ Annual Registration of 150.00 and two deposit is required. The registration fee and two deposit is non-refundable. Tuition payments are due on the 1st day of each month.
+ A water bottle with your child’s name on it.
+ A family picture for your child to have in their classroom.
+ A change of clothes, socks, and proper outer wear for all four seasons.
+ A pillowcase with your child’s name on it to store your child’s bedding if they have a rest period while at school.
+ Sunscreen and Bug-Spray needs to be applied before your child’s arrival. In addition, your child will need an eco-healthy sunscreen and bug-spray for school or camp and will need to be given to your child’s eco educator at drop off.
+ Shoes must have toes enclosed at all times for toe safety. (NO FLIP FLOPS OR ANY OPEN TOE SHOES.)
+ We encourage bathing suits that are full-piece or have a water shirts with shorts for your child’s skin safety.
+ Pick up time is no later than 4:20pm. Our facility closes sharply at 4:30pm each day.
Our current enrolled families will have a re-enrollment period each year from Nov 15th-Jan 31st. If families do not re-enroll their child for the following school year during this period, then parents will forfeit their child’s placement for the following year. After the Nov 15th-Jan 31st enrollment period passes for our current enrolled families, we then offer first placement to families that have been placed on our WAITLIST before we open enrollment to the public on February 1st of each year. Please email our Education Director, Michelle Goulet at mlg@kidzgoeco.com to learn more about our preschool program availability, how to enroll, and how to join our waitlist.
Summer registration begins February 15th of each year. to current enrolled families.Begining March 1st, summer registration opens to the public. No make-up day policy.
The health and safety of your child depends on it. The educating team is trained on how to maintain a vigorous cleaning schedule to maintain a healthy and safe environment for our vibrant KGE community. Our shoeless environment minimizes the amount of germs and harmful chemicals that can be tracked inside our classrooms and our team is always working throughout the day to keep our classrooms clean, organized, and most importantly play-ready for our students.
Of course! Every child will participate daily in numerous hands-on activities that foster learning opportunities. Whether playing with classmate’s outdoors, painting or creating crafts in the classroom, children are encouraged to touch, explore, and create. We ask our supportive parent body to provide an extra change of clothes, socks, water boots, and extra outer gear so your child can enjoy the outdoors in all the beautiful seasons.
Our school policy is that children can enroll as young as 2.9 years old and all children need to be potty-trained by the time they begin their educational journey at KGE. We do understand infrequent accidents can happen, so please make sure your child always has an extra change of clothes.
All Eco Educators possess working experience in early childhood education in a variety of environments. Eco Educators possess a Child Development Credential, an associate’s degree in early childhood education, or a Bachelor’s Degree in a related field. All full-time and part-time educators are required to have continuous personal staff development training equivalent to 18-30 credit hours per year.
All educators including volunteers undergo an extensive criminal background check including a finger printing screening process.
Each building has a security code for each classroom that parents will need to enter each day. We have a very strict policy in regards to signing in and signing out each child every day. Our policy allows only parents and specific individuals that your family lists on our “Allowed Child Pick-Up List” to pick up your child. All custody orders are needed at the time of enrollment if specific instructions are given to whom can and cannot pick up your child.
Every effort will be made to include children special needs with the limits of KGE’s programs resources and environment. Special needs includes children with diagnosed behavioral conditions. Our team will assess your child’s needs making sure we can provide the safety and services that will be needed at KGE.
We reserve the right to manage enrollments in a way that ensures safety of all children and staff. This may include, but is not limited to, a requirement that children with special needs attend with a one on one caregiver, any cost of which will be in addition to the school tuition.
Providing a safe and nurturing environment at KGE requires planning and effort on the part of our school and the parents. All children with food or environmental allergies will need to have an emergency care plan in place. This plan will need detailed instructions about which foods or environmental allergies your child is allergic to and a plan of what to do if an allergic reaction occurs. KGE has an Asthma and Allergy Form in our Enrollment packet and this will need to be completed by your child’s pediatrician. All prescribed life-saving medications such as inhalers and epi-pens need to be given to your child’s educator on their first day of school or camp. Inhalers and Epi-pens can NOT be expired and it’s the responsibility of the parent to make sure all life-saving medications are up to date. A copy of your child’s emergency care plan will need to be attached to Asthma and Allergy Form and signed by your child’s pediatrician.
As the proverb illustrates, it takes a village to raise a child and for a small independent school it takes the thoughtful efforts and creative resources of the community to educate the village’s children.We are deeply grateful for your willingness to support our nature school, whether monetary, contributions of classroom supplies/equipment/furniture, kind words of encouragement, lifting our educators spirits with a special thank you, or your own unique offering. Your donation makes a difference and with your generosity and thoughtfulness, kidz go eco is a very special place for all the children that attend our school. We want to thank you for all your in kind support!