“In their innocence, very young children know themselves to be light and love. If we allow them, they can teach us to see ourselves the same way.”
– M. Jackson
Learn from the littles in your life. At times, your job as a parent may seem endless. Some days you can almost relate to a hamster on a wheel; encompassing endless, daily routines and then exhaust so easily. We spend our days pondering what we did wrong. What we need to do better tomorrow. What others will think of us when they watch us parent our littles. And at times, we cross our fingers, pray and hope our adult versions of our littles let us know if we did a good enough job. Instead of thinking negatively in regard to the many ‘titles’ you possess as a parent, (cook, maid, counselor, nurse, teacher, etc.) learn to shift your thinking a bit. So many of us get lost in our title, what we are at this very moment. This moment will not last forever, remember that. Your littles will not be little forever. There will be days where all seems lost and like there is no end to the ‘routine’. Those are the days when you need to shift your focus to the little things. Start today. Focus on the small and simple. Make sure your little ones are safe, warm, loved and have full bellies. Learn to embrace those ever so chaotic days, for they are the days we will remember when we reflect. Take a few minutes each evening, after the bedtime routine, to reflect on your day together. Those few minutes are a wonderful way to process the day with your littles. Apologize if you weren’t the best teacher or leader; you’re human. Or simply ask ‘is there anything you want to talk about honey?’ Or use those minutes to simply say ‘I love you’. Listen to their sweet voices. Process, encourage and snuggle.
– Jessica Smith, B.S.